10% unemployment, $2-trillion in debt, government-run auto mfg, government-run finance, losing Afghanistan, bitter divisiveness, racism, no Olympics, Iranian nukes, ripe for a terror attack, and the laughing stock of the entire world. I don't think this country can take much more of this hopey change bullshit.
Monday, October 5, 2009
I'm back....
10% unemployment, $2-trillion in debt, government-run auto mfg, government-run finance, losing Afghanistan, bitter divisiveness, racism, no Olympics, Iranian nukes, ripe for a terror attack, and the laughing stock of the entire world. I don't think this country can take much more of this hopey change bullshit.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
What did he just say!?
Without a teleprompter, this guy really comes through as the empty suit that he totally is.
What a lovable idiot.
What a lovable idiot.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Cavuto pwns Alan Grayson (D-FL)
Grayson sponsors a bill to allow the Treasury to arbitrarily set salaries for companies that have received government funds.
President bows to Saudi king
Now, I have seen everything. At about 54 seconds into this video, you will see BHO enter stage left, bow and shake hands the monarch.
Here is a still shot of the same. I linked up the video to show that this picture is legitimate. He wasn't just stooping to pick up a contact lens.

Is there an ass this President won't kiss?
Here is a still shot of the same. I linked up the video to show that this picture is legitimate. He wasn't just stooping to pick up a contact lens.
Is there an ass this President won't kiss?
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Excessive crying over the economy? Gov't has the answer
Yes, this is 1976 all over again. Next will come the Misery Index. Just wait and see. They now want to tell us all how to cope with Obama's war on prosperity. Here's the link if you can stop crying long enough to click on it.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Check out the BHO action figure
Folks in the Orient really dig BHO. They have a whole collection available here.

Radical leftist agenda sold separately. Teleprompter accessory not included.
Radical leftist agenda sold separately. Teleprompter accessory not included.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
AIG executive bonuses allowed by the Stimulus Bill
In light of the recent show of "outrage" among members of Congress, I thought it important to point out the specific language that was added by Sen. Chris Dodd that is at the source of the controversy surrounding AIG. The quote blocks below contain the provisions in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (aka Spendulus/Porkulus Bill) that allowed $165 million in bonuses to be paid under contract to AIG employees. It is important to point out that our elected representatives who voted for this bill did not read it and thus did not know these provisions existed. Now, they are feigning outrage when they could have prevented this flap entirely.
‘‘(D)(i) A prohibition on such TARP recipient paying
or accruing any bonus, retention award, or incentive compensation
during the period in which any obligation arising
from financial assistance provided under the TARP remains
outstanding, except that any prohibition developed under
this paragraph shall not apply to the payment of longterm
restricted stock by such TARP recipient, provided
that such long-term restricted stock—
‘‘(IV) For any financial institution that received
financial assistance provided under the TARP equal
to $500,000,000 or more, the prohibition shall apply
to the senior executive officers and at least the 20
next most highly-compensated employees, or such
higher number as the Secretary may determine is in
the public interest with respect to any TARP recipient.
‘‘(iii) The prohibition required under clause (i) shall
not be construed to prohibit any bonus payment required
to be paid pursuant to a written employment contract
executed on or before February 11, 2009, as such valid
employment contracts are determined by the Secretary or
the designee of the Secretary.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
This guy has balls
He rolled out a $3.55 Trillion (with a 'Tr') budget just last week. Now he says,
"These kinds of irresponsible budgets — and inexcusable practices — are now in the past. For the first time in many years, my administration has produced a budget that represents an honest reckoning of where we are and where we need to go."
Are we all alone? I mean, those of us who see this bullshit for what it is. Since this assclown took the oath of orifice, the stock market has lost more than $3 Trillion (with a 'Tr'). The Dow was somewhere around 9k. Now, just 6 weeks in, it is at a level not seen since Bill Clinton held the orifice.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Obama is officially W's bitch
Yes, that is what I said. It's no secret that Obama was dead wrong on how exactly to win the war in Iraq. He and Biden were outspoken against the surge that effectively ended the conflict, but you can't tell it by what they are saying now. Someone on Youtube did an excellent mash-up (below). Enjoy...
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Obama and his cronies need to feel the love
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Go Figure: Government handouts spark unrest in FL
This gem of a sob story is from the Miami Herald. 5k people show up and completely trash a neighborhood for the chance to get subsidized housing. Go figure.
The hope that drove thousands to sleep outside overnight in Fort Lauderdale to apply for subsidized housing turned to outrage Saturday morning as throngs were sent home empty-handed, even though some applications were still available.
Authorities were stocked with 3,000 housing applications at the Robert P. Kelley building on West Sunrise Boulevard and Northwest Fifth Street.
But more than 5,000 arrived hours earlier than expected and began pushing against metal guardrails and police when an announcement came that there were not enough documents to go around.
''There are no more applications,'' a Fort Lauderdale police officer called out over a megaphone at 8:15 a.m. ``Your presence here is a waste of your time.''
In fact, 200 applications were still available when officials sent everyone home, according to Tam English, executive director of the Fort Lauderdale Housing Authority.
That infuriated those who showed up at the advertised 7 a.m. opening only to learn they were too late.
''What kind of mess is this?'' said Betty Outlaw, who arrived about 6:45 a.m. with two nieces. Unemployed and living with her sister, Outlaw stood in line anyway.
''Every one of us is struggling,'' she said. ``Cheap rent would help a lot. I feel like they tricked us. Don't put our hopes up and then step on us.''
English said Saturday afternoon that he should have expected the large crowd.
''If I had to do it all over again I'd do it different,'' he said.
Thousands of men, women and children in line began jostling for better positions before sunrise. One person was arrested for trespassing, according to Sgt. Frank Sousa, a police spokesman. Three people suffered minor injuries and one pregnant woman, reporting labor pains, was taken to a hospital, said Fort Lauderdale city spokesman Matt Little.
''A larger crowd than anticipated showed up,'' said Sousa. ``If it would have continued it would have provided for an unsafe environment due to the amount of elderly and children present.''
The applications are part of the federal Section 8 subsidy program in which applicants with low incomes spend only 30 percent of their monthly wages on housing. The housing authority pays the remaining rent.
English said the Department of Housing and Urban Development will pick 2,500 of the filled-out applications, which will then be assigned a number at random during a lottery. The first on the list will likely be called in three to six months. The last could wait more than two years.
He said it has not been decided how or whether the remaining applications will be made available.
Veronica Lindsay was one of thousands who arrived before midnight.
Walking away from the center with a gold-colored voucher in hand and a lawn chair slung around her shoulder, the 25-year-old cosmetologist and mother of two said she can't afford the $1,200 monthly rent on her apartment.
While she said it may seem a little excessive to wait 10 hours in 55-degree temperatures for a chance simply to make a waiting list, the potential of finding cheaper housing made enduring the hectic line worth it.
''There is always hope,'' she said.
For many, optimism turned to frustration as the night wore on.
By 5 a.m., people began to push and shove, leading to scuffles, according to Olivia Fears, a Bradenton woman who drove to Fort Lauderdale Friday night.
''I didn't know the line would be like this,'' she said, tucking an application into her purse as officers warned that someone may try to steal the document. ``I'm relieved, but I'll feel better when I get a letter that I have been accepted.''
After the crowd left, Northwest Fifth Avenue was littered with McDonalds bags, Gatorade bottles, strollers, plastic lawn chairs, coolers and comforters -- enough to fill three dumpsters, English said.
Teddy Jacobs, a 27-year-old, unemployed Miami Gardens man stood across the street without an application and watched in disappointment.
''It was crazy,'' said Jacobs, who along with his wife and their 2-month-old baby, is basically homeless. ``People were pushing. I thought it was unorganized.''
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Arctic sea ice not so melty after all...
Scientists have discovered that satellite sensors used to measure the area of arctic sea ice drifted out of calibration creating an error of about 500,000 square kilometers (roughly the size of the state of California). The sensor drift reportedly started sometime in early January and was just recently caught. They do say that this is expected and that they account for it before reporting their findings to Al Gore. Okay, they don't likely report directly to big Al, but you get my drift. Read more here.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Justice Department full of cowards?
I wonder how his department will carry out its mission considering it is made up of a bunch of cowards who can't work together because of their race.
This is AWESOME!
Rick Santelli (CNBC) hits the nail on the head.
Rick Santelli,
traders revolt
At least Kansas has representation in the Senate
The following is an email I received from Senator Sam Brownback's (R-KS) office:
We wanted to take a moment to write to you to tell you about the events that unfolded in Washington late last week regarding the Democrat's stimulus package. Senator Brownback voted against Senate passage of the stimulus package.
You can hear audio of Brownback's Senate floor statement regarding the stimulus bill by clicking here or by visiting the web site.
This is what Brownback had to say about the bill: "I voted against the stimulus bill because a huge increase in government spending is not the answer our economy needs. There are some good provisions in this bill, but not nearly enough to outweigh the overwhelming bad. This stimulus package threatens to be the beginning of our next bubble – a big-government bubble, where we try to use debt and leverage to spend our way into prosperity. We are considering an amount of spending that, even when adjusted for inflation, far outstrips the New Deal, the Louisiana Purchase, the Marshal Plan or the Moon Race."
The stimulus package, passed by both the House and Senate, has a $787 billion price tag. It is the single biggest increase in the deficit in American history. The bill increased the debt limit to an all-time high of $12 trillion, and represents 5.5% of the GDP.
"The hastily constructed bill being labeled as stimulus is not a good plan to help our economy weather the recession. It is a highly leveraged, speculative bet on larger government and massive long-term spending as a cure for our economic troubles. This is the largest spending bill ever and it's been done in the most rushed fashion I've ever seen. In conference, the bad parts of the bill got bigger and the good parts got smaller."
"In the history of the Republic, the largest stimulus package we've had was 1.5% of GDP; this bill is over 5.5% of GDP, although most of this bill isn't stimulus, it's simply big-government spending. There is only $76 billion in actual stimulative tax cuts in this bill, out of $787 billion; less than 10% of this bill offers true stimulative tax cuts. With this spending plan we are using a speculative bet on government, using our children's future as leverage."
If you have any questions or comments about the Stimulus Bill, please feel free to call one of our offices listed below and voice your opinion.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
NY cartoon blamed for linking Obama to dead chimp

By KAREN MATTHEWS | Associated Press Writer
February 18, 2009
NEW YORK - A New York Post cartoon that appears to link President Obama to a violent chimpanzee drew criticism Wednesday on media Web sites and from civil rights activist the Rev. Al Sharpton…
The cartoon refers to Travis the chimp, who was shot to death by police in Stamford, Conn. on Monday after it mauled a friend of its owner.
It links the chimp to Obama, who signed his administration’s economic stimulus plan on Tuesday…
Col Allan, editor-in-chief of the New York Post, released a statement defending the work.
"The cartoon is a clear parody of a current news event, to wit the shooting of a violent chimpanzee in Connecticut. It broadly mocks Washington’s efforts to revive the economy. Again, Al Sharpton reveals himself as nothing more than a publicity opportunist."
Sharpton called the cartoon "troubling at best given the historic racist attacks of African-Americans as being synonymous with monkeys." He said the Post should clarify what point the cartoon was making…
This cartoon is hilarious and couldn't have come at a better time. That is, a time when the first black Attorney General called Americans "cowards" in reference to race relations. Perhaps the funniest thing about this, from my perspective, is the ignorance with regard to who actually wrote the Spendulus Bill. BHO did not write the bill so Sharpton and the other race-baiting fracktards who have tried to link this cartoon to BHO are the ones comparing the man to a chimp; not the artist.
Al Sharpton,
NY Post,
Housing crisis crisis
The man says "crisis" 25 times in an 8-minute speech. I feel like such a tool for actually paying my debts. Now, I get saddled with even more debt aimed at helping the wonderful folks who were not as responsible. Also, this arrogant son of a philandering meat-holster flew Air Force One more than 10 hours to AZ and back at a cost of more than $68k/hour and that does not include the accompanying C-17 and the round trip from the White House to Andrews AFB in Marine One.
The people clapping to all of this are like ignorant piles of amphibian excrement.
WTF is this assclown talking about? I have taken responsibility and so have millions of other hard-working, responsible families who live well within their means. The people who need to "step back" are the people who knowingly and willfully bit off more than they could chew. The other folks who need to "step back" are the Barny Franks, Chris Dodds, and the other BIG government miscreants who got us into this mess by encouraging and condoning irresponsible behavior.
The people clapping to all of this are like ignorant piles of amphibian excrement.
OBAMA: Solving this crisis will require more than resources. It will require all of us to step back and take responsibility.
WTF is this assclown talking about? I have taken responsibility and so have millions of other hard-working, responsible families who live well within their means. The people who need to "step back" are the people who knowingly and willfully bit off more than they could chew. The other folks who need to "step back" are the Barny Franks, Chris Dodds, and the other BIG government miscreants who got us into this mess by encouraging and condoning irresponsible behavior.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Stimulus vote footy
Pelosi is beside herself with elation over the passage of the socialist power grab in the house. Inflation is coming.
The Senate drama surrounding the stimulus vote was almost unprecedented. I wonder why the bill is still awaiting signature if it was such a rush to get it through Congress. Poor Senator Brown flies back to DC following his mother's death, makes his vote, and then jumps back on a plane home for the funeral. All this for a bill that will not get the Messiah's signature until Tuesday.
The Senate drama surrounding the stimulus vote was almost unprecedented. I wonder why the bill is still awaiting signature if it was such a rush to get it through Congress. Poor Senator Brown flies back to DC following his mother's death, makes his vote, and then jumps back on a plane home for the funeral. All this for a bill that will not get the Messiah's signature until Tuesday.
Friday, February 13, 2009
You can't win an argument with stupid people
Somebody spiked this woman's liberal Koolaid with some sort of reverse laxative. She has one of the worst cases of mouth-diarrhea I have ever seen.
Americans for Prosperity - No Stimulus Petition
I discovered another petition against the stimulus and provided by Americans for Prosperity. This in addition to the link I provided a couple of weeks ago to the petition being organized by John McCain's Country First PAC. If you oppose the stimulus, signing petitions and contacting your representatives might not stop it, it is better than spinning on your thumbs.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
I like this guy.
He most definitely represents the average Obama voter. What happened to, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country?"
Maybe Julio can move in with Henrietta Hughes...
Maybe Julio can move in with Henrietta Hughes...
Global economic disaster averted?
...Or was it George Soros and friends manipulating the financial markets in order to get their man elected?
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Nancy Pelosi is an idiot
In case you are also an idiot, there are only about 300 million Americans living.
Here she is two weeks ago saying the same thing to Chris Wallace.
Economic Catastrophe?
"We know that even if we do everything we should, this crisis was years in the making, and it will take more than weeks or months to turn things around.
But make no mistake:
A failure to act, and act now, will turn crisis into a catastrophe and guarantee a longer recession, a less robust recovery, and a more uncertain future. Millions more jobs will be lost. More businesses will be shuttered. More dreams will be deferred."
President Obama is now warning us all that if Congress fails to pass his stimulus package, the country will experience an "economic catastrophe." My question is how in the hell are we supposed to believe that when the stimulus bill is chocked full of tens of billions in pork spending that will have zero impact on the economy? Also, he has said that we are currently experiencing the worst economy since the Great Depression and then later said that the economy is the worst one in the last three decades. Why does this guy want us all to suffer?
It's only a matter of time before the children begin to suffer.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Just say, "No!"
below is a link to a petition that John McCain started with his Country First activist group (not that I am a McCain supporter). I do believe strongly that the stimulus bill will cause inflation and will exacerbate and prolong the current crisis. History has shown this to be true several times in the past.
Besides, Obama’s pet stimulus bill, despite what MoveOn.org and the other leftist loons want you to believe, is not about the economy or jobs. It is about radical liberals wildly growing government to support and sustain a permanent governing class. It is a means to a socialist end. I fear that if this agenda is carried forward successfully, it will not end well for the country. If you have been to a gun show in the last two months and have seen how packed they are with gun-toting bitter clingers, you will know exactly what I mean.
Besides, Obama’s pet stimulus bill, despite what MoveOn.org and the other leftist loons want you to believe, is not about the economy or jobs. It is about radical liberals wildly growing government to support and sustain a permanent governing class. It is a means to a socialist end. I fear that if this agenda is carried forward successfully, it will not end well for the country. If you have been to a gun show in the last two months and have seen how packed they are with gun-toting bitter clingers, you will know exactly what I mean.
Friday, January 30, 2009
...and "free" money for batteries
$1,000,000,000 shall be for expenses necessary for the manufacturing of advanced batteries authorized under section 136(b)(1)(B) of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (42 U.S.C. 13 17013(b)(1)(B)).
I am all for investing in battery technology, but how exactly will this billion dollars stimulate the economy?
$140 Million for climate data modeling?
Provided further, That not less than $140,000,000 shall be available for climate data modeling.
While layoffs continue amid this "spiraling economy" that we keep being told is getting worse everyday, it seems there is a beacon of hope for one previously unheard of segment of the population. Climate modelers. That's right. According to the stimulus bill, we are going to put hundreds of out of work climate modelers back to work modeling the climate.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Change you can believe in?
OBAMA JANUARY 8: "Only government can provide the short-term boost necessary to lift us from a recession this deep and severe. Only government can break the cycle that are (sic -- is) crippling our economy. That's why we need to act boldly and act now, to reverse these cycles. That's why we need to restart the flow of credit and restore the rules of the road that will ensure a crisis like this never happens again."
OBAMA JANUARY 28: "In the end, the answer to our economic troubles rests less in my hands or in the hands of our legislators than it does with America's workers and the businesses that employ them. They are the ones whose efforts and ideas will determine our economic destiny just as they always have, for in the end it's businesses -- large and small -- that generate the jobs, provide the salaries, and serve as the foundation on which the American people's lives and dreams depend. All we can do, those of us here in Washington, as to help create a favorable climate in which workers can prosper, businesses can thrive, and our economy can grow."
So which is it? Obama thinks government can help us out of the recession, or does he think businesses and workers can? Read the stimulus bill with all of its pork and you will know exactly what he thinks. I don't want my kids to be saddled with this obscene "credit card bill" when it comes due. $400 million for global warming research? Come on, peopel!
OBAMA JANUARY 28: "In the end, the answer to our economic troubles rests less in my hands or in the hands of our legislators than it does with America's workers and the businesses that employ them. They are the ones whose efforts and ideas will determine our economic destiny just as they always have, for in the end it's businesses -- large and small -- that generate the jobs, provide the salaries, and serve as the foundation on which the American people's lives and dreams depend. All we can do, those of us here in Washington, as to help create a favorable climate in which workers can prosper, businesses can thrive, and our economy can grow."
So which is it? Obama thinks government can help us out of the recession, or does he think businesses and workers can? Read the stimulus bill with all of its pork and you will know exactly what he thinks. I don't want my kids to be saddled with this obscene "credit card bill" when it comes due. $400 million for global warming research? Come on, peopel!
From the stimulus bill
(4) not less than $335,000,000 shall be used as an additional amount to carry out domestic HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, sexually-transmitted diseases, and tuberculosis prevention programs, as jointly determined by the Secretary and the Director;
$335 million for STDs? How will this stimulate the economy?
$335 million for STDs? How will this stimulate the economy?
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