Friday, January 30, 2009

...and "free" money for batteries

$1,000,000,000 shall be for expenses necessary for the manufacturing of advanced batteries authorized under section 136(b)(1)(B) of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (42 U.S.C. 13 17013(b)(1)(B)).

I am all for investing in battery technology, but how exactly will this billion dollars stimulate the economy?

$140 Million for climate data modeling?

Provided further, That not less than $140,000,000 shall be available for climate data modeling.

While layoffs continue amid this "spiraling economy" that we keep being told is getting worse everyday, it seems there is a beacon of hope for one previously unheard of segment of the population. Climate modelers. That's right. According to the stimulus bill, we are going to put hundreds of out of work climate modelers back to work modeling the climate.

Limbaugh makes an appearance on the Mark Levin Show

From Thursday night's braodcast:

Video brought to you by the Radio Equalizer.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Change you can believe in?

OBAMA JANUARY 8: "Only government can provide the short-term boost necessary to lift us from a recession this deep and severe. Only government can break the cycle that are (sic -- is) crippling our economy. That's why we need to act boldly and act now, to reverse these cycles. That's why we need to restart the flow of credit and restore the rules of the road that will ensure a crisis like this never happens again."

OBAMA JANUARY 28: "In the end, the answer to our economic troubles rests less in my hands or in the hands of our legislators than it does with America's workers and the businesses that employ them. They are the ones whose efforts and ideas will determine our economic destiny just as they always have, for in the end it's businesses -- large and small -- that generate the jobs, provide the salaries, and serve as the foundation on which the American people's lives and dreams depend. All we can do, those of us here in Washington, as to help create a favorable climate in which workers can prosper, businesses can thrive, and our economy can grow."

So which is it? Obama thinks government can help us out of the recession, or does he think businesses and workers can? Read the stimulus bill with all of its pork and you will know exactly what he thinks. I don't want my kids to be saddled with this obscene "credit card bill" when it comes due. $400 million for global warming research? Come on, peopel!

Because contraception is stimulating

From the stimulus bill

(4) not less than $335,000,000 shall be used as an additional amount to carry out domestic HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, sexually-transmitted diseases, and tuberculosis prevention programs, as jointly determined by the Secretary and the Director;

$335 million for STDs? How will this stimulate the economy?