Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Housing crisis crisis

The man says "crisis" 25 times in an 8-minute speech. I feel like such a tool for actually paying my debts. Now, I get saddled with even more debt aimed at helping the wonderful folks who were not as responsible. Also, this arrogant son of a philandering meat-holster flew Air Force One more than 10 hours to AZ and back at a cost of more than $68k/hour and that does not include the accompanying C-17 and the round trip from the White House to Andrews AFB in Marine One.

The people clapping to all of this are like ignorant piles of amphibian excrement.

OBAMA: Solving this crisis will require more than resources. It will require all of us to step back and take responsibility.

WTF is this assclown talking about? I have taken responsibility and so have millions of other hard-working, responsible families who live well within their means. The people who need to "step back" are the people who knowingly and willfully bit off more than they could chew. The other folks who need to "step back" are the Barny Franks, Chris Dodds, and the other BIG government miscreants who got us into this mess by encouraging and condoning irresponsible behavior.

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